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Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears' - 2008 Hosta of the Year

By Josh Spece
Last revised August 29, 2007
2007 Hosta of the Year - Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears'
Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears'

Occasionally, a new Hosta comes along and instantly causes a big stir among Hosta growers. Such is the case with Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears'. 'Blue Mouse Ears' was almost discarded when it showed up as a mutation in a group of 'Blue Cadet' plants in a nursery in 1987. Luckily, the nursery owner gave it to his friends, Emile and Jane Deckert, who grew it in their garden for the next twelve years. Not being Hosta aficionados, the little plant was mostly neglected until one spring it really caught Emile's eye. He thought the unfurling leaves looked like a mouse’s ear and so it was named.

Still not aware of what a treasure they had, the Deckert's decided to sell some divisions of Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears' on E-Bay. Hosta collectors immediately took note and the plants sold for enormous prices. Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears' has continued to quickly gain momentum and has been widely available since 2003.

Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears' forms a small mound up to 16 inches across and 8 inches tall. The blue leaves are nearly perfectly round and have a thick, leathery substance. It is thought to be a tetraploid version of 'Blue Cadet'. In summer, short scapes of lavender flowers form a neat bouquet above the plant.

Whether you are a Hosta lover or not, Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears' will steal your heart!

If you don't have this hosta in your garden, you can buy Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears' from In The Country Garden and Gifts.

Further Information on Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears'

Website by Josh Spece
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