Cattleya Culture

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Abbreviation: C

The cattleya is probably the most widely known orchid. It is the big, frilly, brightly colored orchid found at most florists. Cattleyas come in standard size plants (18" to 2' tall), and dwarf plants that only reach eight to twelve inches high. They are very easy to grow and flower, and are an ideal beginner plant. Cattleyas are native to tropical Central and South America.



Light is the key factor in blooming cattleyas. They need bright light, and a little morning or afternoon sun is good. An east or west window is ideal. The leaves should be a medium green color.


Day time temperatures should be 70*-85* F. and 55*-60* F. at night. A 10 to 20 degree difference between day and night will ensure good blooming.


Cattleyas need to dry completely between waterings. Plants need more water while actively growing. If in doubt, don't! Humidity should be around 50%-80%.


1/4 strength fertilizer should be given with every watering during active growth. During the winter, fertilize once a month.


There are two types of cattleya: 1) unifoliate, one leaf per pseudobulb, and 2) bifoliate, with two or three leaves per pseudobulb. Unifoliate types usually have two to six large, showy flowers, while bifoliate types have more, smaller flowers. Both are grown the same way, and are easy to bloom.

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