Increasing Growth with Alfalfa

reprinted from the Great Lakes Region Newsletter, Fall Edition-1993, page 9 submitted by Clarence Owens and taken from a lecture by D.L. Hinerman, M.D.

Van Wade has an article in his old catalog that was taken from the Great Lakes Region Newsletter, Fall Edition-1993, page 9 submitted by Clarence Owens and taken from a lecture by D.L. Hinerman, M.D.

He recommended four ways to apply alfalfa which contains triacontanol, which he describes as a ubiquitous substance. It occurs widely in nature as a waxy coating on many plants and as a major component of beeswax. Triacontanol has been called "the most potent growth hormone ever used on plants."

Beneficial results are as follows:

  1. Early breaking of dormancy
  2. Doubling of weight of plants in one year
  3. Up to three years of growth in one growing season
  4. Root system greatly increased
  5. Possible stimulation of mycorrizae and reported inhibition of pathogenic organisms
  6. Doubling of number and size of flower buds, flowers and seeds
  7. Much improved quality of growth with increased number, thickness and color of leaves.

One of the best sources of triacontanol is the extraction from alfalfa hay (Medicago sativa) in one of the following ways:

  1. Soak 5 tablets (500 to 600 mg. of compressed alfalfa purchased from natural food stores) in one gallon of water for 24 hours. Agitate. Drench plants with mixture as many as five times during the growing season.
  2. Add 2-3 cupfuls of alfalfa meal (purchased from farm food stores, being careful that meal has not been denatured by high heat), to ONE YARD OF SOIL or growing media.
  3. Use alfalfa meal or chopped alfalfa hay as a light mulch or top dressing to soil around plants and apply water.
  4. Use potent solvents. The resultant solution is much too concentrated. Only a small trace can be used (0.01 cc): not recommended for the average grower.

Van Wade, in commenting on his use of alfalfa, wonders if the alfalfa has an effect on plants growing to tremendous size, and also on finding a tremendous number of sports.

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